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Monday, 7. May 2007
Demonstration in support of Estonia
On May 8 at 11:45 am in Vilnius’ Cathedral Square, a massive demonstration will take place in support of Estonia, in response to recent riots in Tallinn and attacks against Estonian diplomats in Moscow by pro-Kremlin youths. The organizers of the demonstration have called on Lithuanian citizens and their Latvian and Estonian counterparts to join this show of Baltic solidarity under the slogan of “We are together! Free and independent!”

The purpose of the demonstration is to not only support Estonia, but to remind European political leardes that silence during times of crisis has often ended in tragedy for the Baltic States.
Every civic-minded citizen, who is concerned about recent incidents in Estonia, as well as other organizations, politicians and journalists, are invited to join this display of solidarity. Those wishing to participate are encouraged to e-mail lt.lv.est@gmail.com.
Plenty of civic organizations already expressed their support and willingness to participate at the event.
Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians as well will join hands simultaneously at 12:05 in Vilnius, Riga, and Tallinn and on the borders of these states to express the will and the unity of the Baltic States.
This will be reminiscent of the Baltic Way*, when Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians declared that the Baltic States would stand together during their greatest times of challenge.
As long as gatherings are restricted in Tallinn, people there are encouraged to wave Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian flags out of their windows in houses, offices, cars, showing their moral support to event.
Riots in Tallinn and assaults on Estonian diplomats in Moscow, both verbal and physical, demonstrate that threats to Baltic security have assumed a different face.
The riots in Tallinn were a serious warning and lesson for the three Baltic States. Aggressive statements by Russian government officials and slanted Russian media reports in support of inadmissible acts of violence and vandalism by marauding youths were not only shocking, but totally unacceptable.
For further information, contact Mr. Justinas Pagirys, tel. +370 675 32108 or Ms. Indrė Makaraitytė, tel. + 370 685 12732

The purpose of the demonstration is to not only support Estonia, but to remind European political leardes that silence during times of crisis has often ended in tragedy for the Baltic States.
Every civic-minded citizen, who is concerned about recent incidents in Estonia, as well as other organizations, politicians and journalists, are invited to join this display of solidarity. Those wishing to participate are encouraged to e-mail lt.lv.est@gmail.com.
Plenty of civic organizations already expressed their support and willingness to participate at the event.
Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians as well will join hands simultaneously at 12:05 in Vilnius, Riga, and Tallinn and on the borders of these states to express the will and the unity of the Baltic States.
This will be reminiscent of the Baltic Way*, when Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians declared that the Baltic States would stand together during their greatest times of challenge.
As long as gatherings are restricted in Tallinn, people there are encouraged to wave Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian flags out of their windows in houses, offices, cars, showing their moral support to event.
Riots in Tallinn and assaults on Estonian diplomats in Moscow, both verbal and physical, demonstrate that threats to Baltic security have assumed a different face.
The riots in Tallinn were a serious warning and lesson for the three Baltic States. Aggressive statements by Russian government officials and slanted Russian media reports in support of inadmissible acts of violence and vandalism by marauding youths were not only shocking, but totally unacceptable.
For further information, contact Mr. Justinas Pagirys, tel. +370 675 32108 or Ms. Indrė Makaraitytė, tel. + 370 685 12732
ieva jusionyte, 11:56h
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